K-Opera "Spring Spring"

It’s spring~
It’s spring~
A Creative Korean Opera~!

Yu-jung Kim’s short story "Spring Spring"
Composition: Kun-Yong Lee
Music Director: Hyun-Ji Yoon
Conductor: Min Park

~ You’re Invited! ~
In honor of the 100th anniversary of the March 1st Movement, we invite you to "Spring Spring," the first ever Korean opera performance.
<Performance Details and Special Guests>

Based on a novel of the same name, "Spring Spring” integrates both Western and Korean music to tell a story of people’s daily lives in the impoverished countryside. The opera humorously weaves together two narratives: the comical conflicts between a greedy future father-in-law and his foolish son-in-law, and the homely yet sweet love story of a rural couple.

“Spring Spring” has received much praise for moving the hearts of international audiences while managing to capture the distinct, powerful themes of Korean culture.The music director of the opera, Hyun-Ji Yoon, also plays the female protagonist. Yoon graduated from the Manhattan College of Music and Ewha Womans University with a Masters degree in the Arts. The extremely talented vocalist has won both the New York International Vocal Competition and the San Diego Artists Vocal Competition. Joining her in the opera are numerous Korean-American vocalists currently active in the community as well as the Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra.

Soonie: Hyun-Ji Yoon
Kilbo: Steven Jeong-Min Huh
Mr. Oh: Sam Yoon
Mrs. Ahnsung: Hyun-Hee Ko
P.f .: Hye-Jung Na
Conductor: Min Park

Organizer: Atlanta Phil’ Arts Center
Host: Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra
Date & Time: March 16 (Sat.) 3 & 6PM
Location: The Glory Church of Jesus Christ, Arts & Culture Theater 
3480 Summit Ridge Pkwy, Duluth, GA 30096

Tickets are $20 (RSVP reservation is required.)
~Reservation Information/Questions: 678-978-2220
 Website: www.atlantaphil.org.
 Email: info@atlantaphil.org
~Donations can be tax deductible under 501 (c) 3.
If you would like to be a sponsor of the Atlanta Foundation for Arts and Culture for 2019 by donating fund amounts that fall into any of the below brackets, please contact us and we will send you a VIP ticket and additional information on benefits: Bronze $ 250, Silver $ 500, Gold $ 1000, Diamond $ _________)

~Donation Information:
Pay To the Order of:
APO (Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra Inc.; attn: Min Pak)
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3634 Lilburn, Ga. 30048

~Atlanta Phil 'Arts Center
Atlanta Phil Arts Foundation
* Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra & Chorus
* Atlanta Youth Philharmonic Orchestra
* Atlanta Phil Opera
* Atlanta Conservatory of Music
* ACOM Gallery
* Atlanta Praise Worship Group
* Atlanta Phil 'Scholarship Foundation
- Your contributions will be used to promote arts and culture in Atlanta.

APO (Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra Inc.).
P.O. Box 3634 Lilburn, Ga. 30048
Reservation Information/Questions: 678-978-2220 
Email: Info@atlantaphil.org
Website: www.atlantaphil.org


  Concert Information  
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   Thank you for your support !!
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K-Opera "Spring Spring" It’s spring~ It’s spring~ A Creative Korean Opera~! Yu-jung Kim’s short story "Spring Spring" Composition: Kun-Yong Lee Music Director: Hyun-Ji Yoon Conductor: Min Park ~ You’re Invited! ~ In honor of the 100th anniversary of the March 1st Movement, we invite you to "Spring Spring," the first ever Korean opera performance. &lt;Performance Details and Special Guests&gt; Based on a novel of…
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 1  2  3  4  맨끝

Ticket & Donation


Concert Information
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
“꽃피는 산골 울긋불긋 꽃대궐… 그 속에서 놀던 때가 그립습니다”
우리 가곡 선율에 코로나 시름 날린다
우리 가곡 선율에 코로나 시름 날린다
Thank you for your support !!
* 토메 박 신자화백 "수묵화" 전시회 K-Arts fest: Korean Traditional Fine Art Exhibition*
HAPPY New YEAR! 2020❤️
Nicholas E. Wheeeler compositin Recital 2019
K-Opera "Spring Spring"
마당극 오페라봄봄"
2019 K-Opera "Spring Spring"
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!